"Alternative plan proposes WVU budget cuts without elimination program"
"Signs of administrative bloat loom over WVU restructuring"
"Estimated Cost Making Gee’s Transition Plan: $850,000; Cost Making Stewardship Plan: $0.00!"
"‘There are better options’: Alternative WVU plan would cut administrative, salary costs instead of faculty and academic programs"
"Group called Stewards of WVU proposes alternate plan to Academic Transformation: eliminates three top leaders"
"First WVU Admin Resigns - Alternative Stewardship Plan Cuts Admin; No Majors, Layoffs"
"Alternative plan proposes WVU budget cuts without eliminating programs"
"Some WVU admins take voluntary 10% pay cut after hundreds of faculty and staff jobs cut"
"Stewards of WVU Thanks WVU for Providing Requested Transformation Plan; Headcounts. Updates Stewardship Plan to only 1.5% Across the Board Rate reduction"
"Anonymous group proposes alternative to ‘Academic Transformation’"